People and Planet
Let’s respect what we’ve got and protect what remains
(Sylvia Earle)
As the world seemingly spins off its axis, with experiential climate change, mass species extinction and ubiquitous contamination, we feel the need for refocussing our attentions on People & Planet, with a healthy balance of fear, anger, hope and action! We recognize it’s the healthy symbiosis and interconnection of us and the natural world that will enable us to both to survive and thrive. As we endeavour to be an advocate for Green Living, at Pura Vida Ecolodge we’re making every decision with the highest regard for both the local community and the world we call home, working with local conservation projects, platforms and partners. Our vision is to inspire action to both explore and protect the natural world that we need to reconnect with.
Peace, Plants & Pura Vida.
Forests are home to half our plants and animals and three quarters of our birds. They suck carbon from the air and return the oxygen we breathe. Yet in 2020 more trees were felled than ever before, causing 10% of global warming.
In the 1990s, the vast forests of Costa Rica were devastated, half their former size. But the people of Costa Rica and their Ministry for Environment had a plan to save them. Its programmes paid citizens to protect forests, plant trees, and restore ecosystems. The results were extraordinary. Costa Rica’s forests doubled in size. Flora and fauna thrived which led to a boom in ecotourism, contributing $4 billion to the economy.
The government is now taking the approach to urban areas. It believes 30% of the world’s land and oceans could be protected this way too. Winning the first ever Earthshot Prize will help it share knowledge and practices globally, especially in the Global South. Costa Rica’s motto is “pura vida” or “pure life”, may these words could soon echo across the world!
Rewilding the Ocean with Education and Innovation and based just down the road from Pura Vida Ecolodge in Ojochal, The MCEC is a Marine Conservation and Education Center founded by the non-profit organization Innoceana.
Their beautiful centres in Ojochal and Corcovado offer marine focused expeditions that infuse the love of adventure with a passion for marine conservation. Do more than dive, become a citizen-scientist, and help their team carry out hands-on research and conservation projects, all while enjoying and exploring the marine hotspots of the Osa Peninsula. Experiences with a purpose. For bookings & more info whatsapp +506 8617-2491 or email or visit Innoceana Costa Rica
Keen to change the way we protect Costa Rica’s beaches and want to lend a helping hand? Innoceana Costa Rica currently coordinate two beach cleanups each month. Second Wednesday of each month at Playa Ventanas and fourth Wednesday of each month at Playa Tortuga (8-10am). An activity for the whole family - the more volunteers, the bigger the impact!
Pura Vida Ecolodge is incredibly proud to be Costa Rica’s first Certified Ecolodge Member of this wonderful platform that was founded to prevent greenwashing, certify reputable giving and provide accountability. The 1% for the Planet certification was given to our little jungle retreat as we met their high-bar commitment and pledge to donate 1% of annual revenue to environmental causes & local conservation programs
Did you know that only 3% of total philanthropic giving goes to environmental causes? 1% For The Planet is on a mission to change that. Their membership model drives critical philanthropic support to address the most urgent environmental issues of our time. The 1% For The Planet network exemplifies the power of collective action as they bring together individuals, businesses and nonprofit organizations around the world to support people and the planet. When we all work together, 1% adds up.
One Tree Planted's projects in Latin America are rebuilding forests and restoring land so the benefits of healthy tropical forests can be felt around the world. One Tree Planted works with communities impacted by deforestation so they benefit from improved forest management practices and agricultural techniques like agroforestry. This also ensures the trees and land are taken care of for generations to come, and the forests can continue to thrive.
In an attempt to reconcile the environmental footprint of our guests travelling in to Costa Rica from abroad, we continue to partner up with One Tree Planted. It really is as simple as #OneDollarOneTree - so don't be shy, for both past and future guests, a handful of trees can sequester enough carbon over the next 20 years to cover the emissions of a return flight from Miami to San Jose...
This #PathTowardsPurpose is just part of the overall efforts we’re making to #offset all carbon emissions that come from our guest’s international flights between the US, Canada & Costa Rica… Also very excited to team up with our new friends at Community Carbon Trees Costa Rica, Ridge to Reefs and Only One .
If all of our guests and the wider green living community out there choose to help us and pledge as well, we'll fulfil our zero-impact living and carbon neutral goal that is becoming more and more important in the age of the climate emergency we're in the thick of. Join the Pura Vida Ecolodge Tribe and help us plant more trees today
Costa Rica Coral Restoration is an Environmental Conservation Organization and non-profit founded in 2019 with the goal of restoring, protecting and repopulating the coral population at Marino Ballena National Park in Bahía Ballena, Costa Rica.
In the past few years, they have built coral nurseries at the Marino Ballena National Park, artificial reefs, and fragmentation tanks in order to help restore the coral population in the surrounding area via coral out planting. Educating tourists visiting the National Park, along with local families, about the importance of protecting the coral reefs is also a critical component of their mission.
Due to an extremely harsh El Niño phenomenon, Costa Rica's coral reefs are experiencing a large scale intense bleaching event and dying at an alarming rate. Moving as quickly as possible to preserve the fragile genetics of our reef, Coral Tico have currently stopped all coral out planting and have begun to focus on their laboratory coral tanks.
You can act now and have a direct impact on how Costa Rica Coral Restoration grows to accommodate the vital coral genetics they are bringing in to preserve. We are all hands-on deck here; will you lend yours? Your continued support means the world to us and the corals 🙌🏼
Let’s protect our oceans and encourage a conservation based mindset for future generations to come.
Reserva Playa Tortuga is a non-profit biological research and education centre formed in 2009 by community members and Costa Rican scientists. RPT aims to contribute to the fields of biological research and science-based conservation management as well as fomenting a culture of environmental conservation in the areas influenced by the National Wetlands of the Terraba-Sierpe basin.
An inspiring outfit that offer some brilliant volunteering options based right on our doorstep and right by our favourite beach! The main focuses of RPT over recent years has been to gain an understanding of the current state of key coastal environmental resources and to identify stakeholders in the coastal zone who are influenced by the Térraba-Sierpe wetlands. RPT is committed to developing and implementing community-based real-world projects and conservation management solutions, using the best research science and conservation management practices. Everything from environmental education to sea turtle conservation, mammal inventory projects and butterfly garden programs. Get in touch!